Friday, January 29, 2010

Do's and Don'ts to Overcome Stress

Stress, Stress, Stress. The word is creating havoc in day to day life. The reason might stem from alcohol abuse, smoking, drugs, late nights, undue academic pressure, improper food habit or strict dieting.

Why you should try to come out of stress?

Heart attacks at a young age are a frightening reality nowadays. The reason?

By seeing the frequent rise of rate of diabetics all over the world. Stress can be a major reason. Growing incidence of suicide, murder or any other crime. Rapid rise of rate of depression.

How do we express it?

Case 1 Thirty year old Sunil said, when he is in stress he use to smoke continuously. Do you feel the same way?

Reality - when you are in stress if you smoke more actually it will aggravate more stress.

Case 2 Twenty five year old Mini said, when she is depressed she use to eat more.

Reality - When we are in stress our body secret a specific hormone which create false hunger signal in our brain. As soon as the stress situation is over we feel that we had already overeaten. Which will lead to obesity.

Case 3 Thirty five year old Dahia is suffering from sleeplessness. He is becoming addicted to take sleeping pills. He uses to take lot of tea also.

Reality - Consumption of excessive sleeping pills may lead to nervous breakdown. This is also found that caffeine found in tea, coffee, chocolate etc. cause to increase the level of stress by increasing adrenaline secretion. There is a link between caffeine intake and high blood pressure and high cholesterol level.

Dos and do not's when you are in stress

Don't smoke much. Try to cut down as less as possible. Nicotine present in smoke makes blood vessels constrict, which causes the heart to work harder to pump blood through the vessels. Carbon monoxide from the smoke reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood.

Don't drink too much alcohol. One to two peg of red wine per day can be recommended. Alcohol stimulates the secretion of adrenaline resulting in problems like nervous tension, irritability, insomnia etc.Alcohol affects

More or less all systems in our body, heart, liver, brain etc.

Don't take excessive sugar also. Sugar has no essential nutrients. Two to three teaspoon per day can be recommended for a normal person.

Don't take excessive salt. Salt can deplete the adrenal gland and causes emotional instability. One teaspoon per day can be recommended for a normal person.

Don't consume food rich in saturated fat.


Eat food high in complex carbohydrate. Carbohydrate trigger release of the brain neurotransmitter serotonin, which soothes you.

Eat food high in fiber. Stress result in cramps and constipation.

Eat more vegetables. Your brain's production of serotonin is sensitive to your diet. Eating more vegetables can increase your serotonin production. This increase is due to the improved absorption of L-tryptophen.

Drink plenty of water, vegetable juices, butter milk etc. to detoxify your body.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Guide to Overcome Panic Attacks - Live Life Without Fear Anymore!

Living with a panic attack disorder can be challenging in many ways. It becomes very difficult to do every day activities, such as grocery shopping or going to work. The triggers can be different for everyone.

The treatments to overcome panic attacks usually involve medications to help with the symptoms, but they do not fix the root cause of the issue. However, there are ways to not only assist you with every day activities, but overcome panic attacks altogether. That way you can live a normal life without fear of the next attacks.

The first step is recognizing what your triggers are and facing them - Avoiding the trigger does not help.

Try to keep a positive attitude. Accept that you have a small problem, one that inhibits the ability to see situations that are stressful, or painful correctly. This is very difficult when faced with a situation that causes you to panic. The trick is knowing that you have what it takes to overcome your panic attack and face it head on. Never look for the solution in anyone else.

Instead, focus on the trigger and try to relive the trigger in your mind over and over again. This will allow you to condition your mind to handle it, instead of panicking. Learning how to meditate can also help this process. Meditation allows you to remove all thought from your mind. In that process, you can control your blood pressure and your heart rate.

Understand that it takes time. You can not overcome panic attacks overnight, so do not try. It takes time, patience with yourself and a lot of hard work. The mind does not change and remold its thought process that quickly. Therefore, you cannot overcome anxiety attacks overnight.

You have to allow your thought process to change and understand that your trigger will not consume you if you don't let it. Set goals that are reasonable, but not too much so. Otherwise you cannot move forward.

When you feel that you are about to have a panic attack, slow your breathing, close your eyes, and know it's okay. Take slow deep breaths and stand, or sit up straight. Breath in a slow deep breath, then breath it out. This will allow you to decrease your blood pressure, heart rate, and metabolism and increase circulation.

The more you practice this technique the easier it will be. Also, understanding that the threat is not a real one and it will pass.

Using these techniques will not only manage, but help you completely overcome panic attacks, as well. Just find what best works for you. You may not need to apply all techniques, but remember, never give up.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

3 Simple Strategies to Overcome Anxiety

Overcoming anxiety can be very difficult. In many cases the anxiety and panic attacks are so potent that the person has no other choice but to take medication and try to relax themselves every day. These cases are very extreme and very difficult to deal with especially.

On the other hand, many less severe cases of anxiety can be treated with 3 simple strategies:

1. Relaxation and breathing methods

When a panic attack strikes, you probably don't notice it until it is in its full blown stage. At this point you are probably hyperventilating so you should try to use the paper bag method or breath out as far as you can and then start inhaling again. At this stage of the panic attack you are probably worried about the chest pains and the dizziness. This strategy should help make these symptoms go away.

2. Exercise and lifestyle change

Your brain, nerves, and body need many very specific amounts of certain nutrients in order to function properly. If you don't have enough of a nutrient you might not notice, but I'm sure your body will function at less than full capacity. By cutting out caffeine and nicotine, you will protect your body from the gittery feelings. Adding more fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, and nuts helps include every important vitamin to your diet.

3. Learning more

Learning more about anxiety and yourself is the best way to overcome the disorder. This is the only way you can know for sure what you need to do. In order to understand what needs to be done you have to figure out what triggers your anxiety and what you can do about it.

If you're suffering from anxiety and panic attacks you need to learn about stopping anxiety attacks before your anxiety gets out of control. The Anxiety Control System is a revolutionary program that teaches you how to overcome your anxiety from 3 different angles using a mixture of cognitive behavioral therapy, reverse therapy, lifestyle change, relaxation methods and more.

Monday, January 25, 2010

How to Overcome Stress

We have all had our share of stress..

I always was cynical towards people who complained of experiencing misfortunes. I used to say that they do not have a positive attitude and whatever they anticipate comes to pass. "As a man thinketh, so is he."

But now I think differently. Some things can be learned only by experience. Some may be pleasant and some unpleasant. But it is necessary to have both good and bad experiences.

Last year we lost our house in a fire. It was a terrible loss because the property was under insured. My wife and some of my friends questioned me as to why this disaster should happen to me, a positive person. I myself did not know why! But I knew one thing. Everything that happens to me happens for good. What good it will be and when it will be, I had no idea. I will have to wait and recognize the good when it comes and be thankful for it.

Since the house that burned down was a single family home in a duplex zone, we decided to build a duplex. When we submitted the plan to City Hall, our architect found that we could construct a three story triplex. So now we have a three story triplex which gives a beautiful view of the ocean and mountains. Freighters and cruise ships from all over the world anchor in front of our house, and sea birds and eagles provide us with endless entertainment. We also have an income from the other two portions of our house. Thus, the fire was a blessing in disguise.

If the fire had gutted less than 70% of the house, we would have had to repair the damage and would not be permitted to demolish the house and build a new one. The fire brigade was a little slow to respond and that resulted in more than 70% of the house being burned. That little delay helped us, though that was not the intention of the fire brigade

Needless to say, during this time we suffered a lot of stress.

All stress is created by mind and the ability to overcome stress is also created by mind. Some events can create very great stress and calamity.

First, let us look at some of the damaging consequences of stress. An actual incident was narrated by Father Jerome Morella de Sorento, an Italian missionary in the Congo. A young man spent a night with his friend. According to the tribal custom young men are prohibited from eating wild hen for breakfast. Unknown to the visitor the host prepared a wild hen and served for breakfast. When the guest enquired, the host said that it was not a wild hen. A few years later the two met again. Again the host prepared a wild hen for breakfast. Again the guest asked if it was a wild hen and the host replied "Yes." The guest refused to eat. The friend laughed and said why should you refuse to eat it now when you were perfectly happy to eat it last time you came. As soon as the guest realized that the breakfast that he ate a few years back was wild hen, he began to tremble violently and was dead in 24 hours.

What was the cause of his death? Was it the violation of the tribal custom? It could not have been for he did not eat the hen that morning and when he violated the custom few years before, nothing ill happened. It was the stress of the realization of his violating the tribal custom
a few years back.

Another example illustrating the deadly consequences of stress was written by Dr. John K.Williams, a member of the Board of the National Association for Mental Health. He wrote in his book, "The Wisdom Of Your Subconscious Mind", that a physician was given permission to experiment on a criminal sentenced to death. The prisoner was blind-folded and told that he would be painlessly bled to death instead of going through the torture of hanging. He was placed on a table. The Physician made a small incision on his hand but not deep enough to cause any bleeding and a small stream of running water was allowed to trickle into a bowl as if blood were trickling form the prisoner's hand. The physician made suggestions to the effect that he was bleeding to death. In a short time the prisoner died showing all symptoms of cerebral anemia. though he never lost any blood. Here again death was the result of stress created by his mind.

Dr. Holmes and Dr. Rahe of the University of Washington Medical School, Seattle, interviewed many sick people and found that their ailment could be related to stress they had suffered during the two previous years. They came up with a check list of 43 items to which they gave numerical values. For instance:

For death of a spouse they gave 100 points

divorce 73

personal injury or illness 50

retirement 45

trouble with the boss 23

Christmas 12

They found that if our score in one year is over 300 points, we have a 90% chance of falling seriously ill during the next few years. Homes-Rahe test is widely used for statistical analysis of the health of army personnel in the U.S.

It is now an admitted fact that 50% to 80% of all diseases are psychosomatic. Many cases of cancer are attributable to social stress. Ulcers, high blood pressure, arthritis, chronic back pain, skin disorders, headaches, allergies, upset stomachs, asthma, hay fever, impotence, insomnia, diabetes and alcoholism are considered to be stress related.

High school football players from families having stress problems are likely to suffer more serious injuries than those from other families.

But by anticipation we invite accidents to happen. Therefore, when stress comes, recognize the stress but realize and be confident that some good is coming and look out for that good that is coming.

When we cultivate this habit, stress will always end up as a benefit. Try it, expect it and see that it happens every time

In addition to worries about health and petty things, we have a long list of "what if's". For example, "What if my house is robbed when I am away?" You know the story of the woman who had 23 padlocks and 20 dogs to guard her for she feared she would be robbed, raped, and murdered. She spent sleepless nights in fear and trembling.

Some of us worry about what others think about us. If we knew how little they thought about us, if ever they did, we would get over that worry in a hurry.

The interesting fact is that though worry is the cause of so much stress, worry can be imaginary.

40% of your worries may never happen

30% of your worries are about events that have already happened and nothing can be done about them

10% of your worries are about petty things

12% of your worries are about your health or diet, your weight, etc. and will only aggravate the situation.

There is the story of the hypochondriac who went to see his doctor. When the hypochondriac was describing his imaginary diseases, the doctor was making short notes. The doctor was called away to answer a phone call. When the doctor was away, the hypochondriac peeked at the notes and saw the letters "SOB". He was very angry. When the doctor returned, the hypochondriac questioned him as to how dare he make such remarks about him. The doctor replied "First of all, my notes are my personal property and you should not have looked at them. Secondly the letters "SOB" stand for short of breath and not what you think.

All stress is not bad. Medical investigation has concluded that under-stress can cause depression, indigestion, overeating, chronic irritability, fatigue, inability to concentrate, and many more undesirable habits. Too much or too little is not good.

Stress can be useful and necessary. If there is no stress on the strings, not a sound could be coaxed from the most beautiful Stradivarius and the highly prized diamond watch will not run for one minute but for the stress on its spring.

Too much tension, the strings of the violin and springs of the watch will snap and too little will make them equally useless.

Some stress is beneficial by stimulating and strengthening us. What matters is not the event which creates the worry but how we view the event. An event that causes constant worry to one can be a very useful challenge to another.

When we look at the lives of great people, we find that their greatness depended upon their ability to overcome the tragic events in their lives and to turn them into events of blessings.

St Paul wrote the epistles in prison. Charles Kettering broke his hand while cranking an automobile and hence he invented the self starter. He had a sign in his laboratory, "Do not bring me your successes, they weaken me. Bring me your problems, they strengthen me."

As a boy, Edison worked as a candy butcher on the train between Port Huron and Detroit. One day he was late for the train and was running along to get on board. The conductor literally pulled him aboard by his ears. His eardrums were damaged and he lost 90% of his hearing. Edison claimed that his deafness helped him in that he could hear the loud ticking of the telegraph ticker amidst the chattering by people which he could not hear. This deafness led him into the unexplored field of sound and its transmission. He patented 1100 inventions in the fields of sound and its transmission, photography, and electricity before he died in 1931 at the age of 90.

When we are under stress, our awareness, our senses, and our mind are sharpened. We all know many people who work best under stress. But they do not permit stress to create anxiety in them.

There are many ways to deal with stress. Some of them are simple and are intended to get our minds off the object of stress. Some therapists recommend transient remedies such as a warm bath, going for a walk, cutting the grass, baking bread, writing down your peeves, finding out what we are afraid of and so on. .

Getting our mind off the issue is good not only for stress but also in dealing with many other vexatious problems.

Some other common ways of combatting stress are to take a couple of tranquilizers, mix an alcoholic drink, smoke pot, eat, watch television, go to bed and cry, take it out on our dear ones but these responses will only land us in greater trouble.

There are three better methods by which we will be able to overcome stress.

The first method is to forgive yourself for the past mistakes you think you made. There are many people who cannot get rid of their guilty feelings over such mistakes.

The famous writer, Guy de Maupassant wrote a story entitled "A Piece of String." It is the story of a man who saw a string on a busy market place. He bent down and picked it up thinking he could use it. He was accused of picking up a lost wallet and was arrested and put in prison. Fortunately, the wallet was found the next day. This man could not get over the insult and indignities he suffered. He brooded over it day and night. The piece of string had become an obsession. He neglected his work and went from person to person complaining of how he had been wrongly arrested and imprisoned. He died of a broken heart mumbling "A piece of string."

The piece of string became an obsession because he was finding fault with himself for having picked up the piece of string. If he had focussed on the person who accused him and forgiven him, the obsession would not have persisted, for he would have had to forget the offence and forgive the offender.

A wise man once said that when a person undresses for bed at night, he should also undress his mind from the mistakes and failures of the day. The art of forgetting is a virtue we ought to acquire.

Second method to eliminate stress is forgiveness of the offender. Forgive others for the offenses they have committed against you. We read in the Gospel "Forgive if ye have ought against any." Some people say, "I can forgive but I cannot forget." Henry Ward Beecher, the famous American preacher at Brooklyn, New York, said "Such a statement is another way of saying that I will not forgive.”

Benjamin Franklin said, "It is the lot of man to suffer. It is also his fortune to forget." and we forget because we must and not because we will.

Little vicious minds abound with anger and revenge and are incapable of feeling the pleasure of forgiving their enemies. You will experience the release of strain, the relaxation of body and mind when you forgive a person. You have no idea what great treasure lies in store for you until you experience it. For your own sake, for your own peace of mind, for your own health, for your own joy, learn to forgive.

The third method is to control our brain waves. Learning to control our brain waves will bring great joy and pleasure . Meditation and yoga are the initial methods for learning to control brain waves. Biofeedback also enables a person to control brain waves and thereby gain control over stress.

Finally, when we search earnestly for the purpose of our lives and the Creator's purpose in creating the universe, with all the living beings with human beings in the top rung, with the highest power of deduction and induction among all, we will realize that the Creator was looking for companionship. The stresses we experience throughout our lives are challenges to make us strong and fitting companions for the Creator.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Tips For Problem Solving

There are many situations, both in our personal and professional life, which throw up problems that need specific attention. Think about it, we solve problems and make decisions everyday at home, at work, at play, even at the grocery store! So, are there any ways of doing it any better than we do already?

Some problems and decisions are very challenging and demand a lot of thought, emotion, and research, while others can be very simple to deal with. But if you keep the following tips that we've put together for you in mind and apply them, you will find it very easy to solve any kind of problem that you are up against.

1. Positive attitude: Begin with a positive attitude. When we are faced with a problem, our typical reaction is to wonder why such a thing has happened to us. Don't waste your time in recriminations and self-pity; accept that there is a problem and look at it as a learning opportunity. Do not be afraid of making mistakes. Sometimes, in order to find the best solution to a given problem, you may have to go through a hundred bad solutions first. The most important thing is to accept that it is OK to make mistakes. How else would you learn otherwise?

2. Open mind: When you are faced with a problem, approach the task with an open mind. Don't assume that there is only one answer and that you already know it. Often, there are multiple solutions to any given problem. Stop for a second and take the time to understand what the problem is truly about before applying a solution. Be open to all possibilities.

3. Global view: Things often look very different when we look at them from a vantage point. Think of it as a "helicopter" view. By looking at the big picture, you might actually be able to understand the problem in its entirety and right context. Once you have done that, you can determine the best course of action.

4. Smaller chunks: If the problem you are facing appears too huge for you to handle all at once, do not fear. Try and break it up into smaller, easily manageable chunks. A problem is like a jigsaw puzzle - when you are confronted with a 1000 pieces, that you have to put together, you can easily feel overwhelmed and give up. But try taking small sections of the puzzle at a time and soon you will have solved the entire problem.

5. Rational thinking: Never approach a problem when you are angry or upset. Emotions or stress can cloud your thinking and judgment. It is best that problems are dealt with logically. Take a step back, calm yourself and think through the problem instead of springing into action when you are all wound up.

Often, working oneself into a frenzy over a problem poses a large hurdle in the way of its resolution. Use your energy thinking about the solutions instead.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Make Panic Attacks a Thing of the Past With These Three Simple Golden Nuggets of Advice

As a sufferer of panic disorder, I know only too well the feelings of anxiety and fear brought on when hit by an attack. The heart pounds, you get dizzy and feel sick. When it is really bad, you can feel like you are going to lose your sanity as a result of being overwhelmed by fear or even die. I have spent a long time tying to make my attacks a thing of the past and along the way have found various techniques useful.

Taking up an activity that promotes relaxation is a useful way to help control panic attacks. I took up yoga and found that by practicing the exercises I learnt there, my body would become relaxed and an overall feeling of calmness would ward off the on set of an attack.

Similarly, I found that meditating as soon as an attack looked like it was coming helped prevent it by relaxing my body and calming my mind. One type of meditation I found particularly useful can be described as going to a 'happy place'.

You sit in a comfortable chair with a straight back. Then you close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, slowly inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. You then imagine yourself in beautiful surroundings, for example in a garden on a summer's day. You picture your surroundings in as much detail as possible and continue for as long as you feel comfortable.

If yoga or meditation doesn't appeal, there are simple breathing techniques you can try. One, 'abdominal breathing', is to sit with your back straight and close your eyes. You then place your hand on your stomach and begin breathing slowly and deeply in through your nose. As you inhale, focus on the hand resting on your stomach and feel it rise as if your stomach is filling with air. Then slowly exhale through your mouth and feel your stomach go down as the air leaves your body. Repeat this process for as long as you feel comfortable doing so or feel calm enough to stop.

I have found these techniques to be very helpful in treating an oncoming attack however I still found I had to live with the initial onset of panic attacks as they treat the symptoms rather than act as a cure. After looking into it further, I found that it was often fear of an attack that brought the actual attack on in the first place.

I found a solution that deals directly with the cause and taught me to lose my fear of panic attacks, eliminating the problem for good.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Treat Anxiety and Depression With Provanax - A Natural Supplement

Anxiety and depression can happen to anyone at any time and sometimes it feels like there is nothing you can do to treat anxiety and depression. To fight it naturally may also seem like it can't be possible. Why is that? Because so many people imagine 'natural' as being strange and without a pill to pop, it just couldn't possibly work. Well there are many natural anxiety and depression treatments and some also can be taken in the form of supplements. Provanax is one supplement that is all natural.

Many people today are trying to research natural ways to help treat anxiety and depression. But most of them are only finding out that they don't have enough of the essential hormones which keep us happy. Dopamine, the anti-aging pleasure chemical which gives us a feeling of euphoria, and Serotonin, the hormone which keeps us feeling well balanced and happy are the two main ingredients to a balanced, healthy life. With this loss of hormones and an increased level in stress and stomach fat you may not get as much sleep as you might need. This is where ProVanax increases Dopomine and optimizes Serotinin, plus it reduces Cortisol, which is the stress and stomach fat hormone. It is a supplement that addresses anxiety and depression with natural ingredients.

All of this information is great, but is it really a way to treat anxiety and depression? Sure you can sleep more to increase your feel good hormones, but how can you sleep when your mind is constantly racing because you have bills to pay and work to worry about. Your anxiety keeps you up all night and you can never find time to sleep. You may feel at a constant struggle when you are trying to find natural ways to fight your anxiety and stress.

ProVanax may help you treat anxiety and depression. ProVanax has helped users lower their stress levels and amount of body fat they have and it calms your anxiety and depression. This daily supplement, as said before, increases your Dopamine and optimizes Serotonin levels naturally, without harmful side effects or chemicals. In addition to helping your body produce these hormones on its own, ProVanax includes a natural sleep aid.

If you're someone who is tired of being depressed or stressed all the time, or fighting anxiety and panic attacks and not wanting to turn to a prescription drug, consider something which is natural and that has no harmful side effects. It is not like other anti-depression or anti-anxiety medications. It doesn't make you feel like your not with it for days at a time. You can get treatment and be fully alert and participating in all parts of your life, and you're not drowning your body in medications that aren't good for you. Natural supplements like ProVanax, can help you deal with everyday up's and down's. A natural supplement can be the little added help you need to treat anxiety and depression.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

What Causes People to Suffer From Panic Attacks? A Closer Look at the Possible Triggers

A person experiencing a panic attack might describe the ordeal as crippling and traumatic. When extreme anxiety takes over the body, the heart beats faster, the person's breathing becomes difficult and the sufferer trembles and sweats profusely. Until today, medical practitioners cannot identify what specifically triggers an attack. What is known is that interplays of biological as well as external issues are partly responsible for the episodes.

Hereditary Traces. The attacks may have something to do with genetics, experts believe. It could be that the panic disorder is genetically transmitted by the parents to the children, just like eye color and hair color are passed down from a mother to a baby. In several studies, the disorder is traceable in families. People afflicted with panic disorder tend to have a close family member who also suffers from panic attacks, depression or other disorders.

"Fight or Flight" Reflexive Response. Several symptoms of a panic attack mimic the body's natural response to a present threat: enhanced physical strength and mental abilities, increased heart rate and accelerated breathing. The reaction is commonly referred to as a "fight or flight" reflex. What is unusual about panic attacks is that they occur in the absence of an obvious trigger or danger.

Lowered Body Resistance. Major life stress can invariably cause a panic attack as well. Intense stress that follows sudden separation from long-time companions (in temporary and permanent situations) leaves the grieving individual vulnerable to panic disorder. A lowered body resistance during such period of loss is the suspected underlying aggravator.

Vices and Withdrawal Symptoms. The possible triggers are not contained in the individual's genetic make-up and biological functions alone. The outside environment can also induce a variety of situations that might escalate to full-scale panic attacks. In the case of substance abuse, the onset of the attack may occur during intoxication or during rehabilitation when the individual undergoes a number of substance withdrawal symptoms as well.

The fear of going through future panic attacks is one that is shared by all individuals diagnosed with panic disorder. Unfortunately, there is no way of telling when an attack would strike next. It is not unusual for sufferers to compound their own fear of the attack itself. Since they are unable to predict the timing of the episodes, many sufferers then resort to isolating, misinterpreting and immediately associating any felt discomforts (like palpitations or even dizziness) as precedents of a perceived attack.

The onslaught of an attack may continue unless the individual receives treatment. There are several medications and therapies that can be administered to temper the panic attack symptoms and reduce the possibilities of a relapse.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Overcome Panic Attacks - Learn How to Show Courage Everyday and Your Bravery Will Be Rewarded!

Someone who has never experienced a panic attack can have a hard time trying to understand why you get so anxious. It makes no sense to them why you are reacting in such an "over the top" way to a task so simple. However certain situations take a lot of courage and bravery on your part to face. This is one way to overcome panic attacks - by facing your fears on a daily basis.

There are so many people who suffer from and would like to overcome panic attacks, but are literally stopped in their tracks to do anything about it. Some of the most fascinating people who suffer from this type of anxiety have some of the bravest jobs in the world. There are numerous policeman, fire fighters and even soldiers who suffer from this affliction. These people would not think twice about running into a burning building to rescue someone or confronting an armed maniac. However, they may struggle to overcome panic attacks in the safety of their own home while trying to sleep at night!

The above may seem extremely strange, however you should remember that your personal courage has nothing to do with coping with these type of attacks. This type of anxiety affects your inner confidence and fears. You doubt your ability to be able to face certain situations and circumstances. Unfortunately, this can manifest and get far worse with time.

However, simply by waking up each day and facing the world again, you can do much to overcome panic attacks. For someone who has never suffered with any form of anxiety, it may not seem like a big deal to do certain things. However, for you to take a long drive, or stand for hours in a supermarket queue or even to take a walk will mean that you need to face your fears and handle that crisis that is going on in your head.

Even if you have failed trying to achieve something that may be deemed a simple everyday task, your bravery will never be in question. Just the fact that you return and try again the next day is a testament in itself. One of the greatest accomplishments for you may be facing a certain situation that scares the hell out of you.

I want you to understand that your bravery will always be rewarded in these situations. If you have managed to overcome a potentially scary situation (or fatal in your mind), you will develop some form of inner strength from this. A sense of achievement. You need to show courage everyday in order to overcome panic attacks, but take some heart from the fact that if you have achieved a positive step forward today, you are more than capable of doing it again tomorrow.

WARNING: Don't allow anxiety to rule the rest of your life

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How to Overcome Panic Attacks With a Natural Approach

One of the things in my life that I am the most proud of is learning how to overcome panic attacks. It is amazing how much control you can gain over the situation once you have identified it and made the choice to fight it. This is an important choice as panic attacks can consume you if you do not fight them. They can make your life very difficult and even the smallest routine thing can become a huge situation in your life.

I wish I could say there is a magical way of how to overcome panic attacks. However, since the situation I had and what you are facing are different then it was to be approached differently. The feelings of panic and anxiety even to the point that you think you may have a medical condition though are very common. For me, they lasted less than a minute but that was enough to scare me very much and upset the balance that was in my life.

I did lots of research when it came to the topic. I went to my doctor first to make sure I did not have any type of medical problem that needed to be addressed. Once that was ruled out, and the assessment was that I suffered from panic attacks I made a plan of action to overcome them. My doctor did give me the option of using daily medication. I choice not to because I was still nursing my child at the time and I did not want to give that up.

However, many people do see great results in their efforts when they use medications. You may want to evaluate that option to see if it is right for you. I got myself in a healthier routine and that was a huge improvement for me. I made sure I ate right, made time each day to exercise, and that I got plenty of sleep. I also paid attention to what seemed to trigger my panic attacks.

In my situation stress seemed to be the biggest problem. I felt overwhelmed at times by certain things going on in my life. One of my goals for how to overcome panic attacks involved facing them. I decided to see a professional counselor and that did help. You need to be honest and identify what your triggers are. It can take some time to find out but make that a priority. Then you can devise a positive plan to help you make changes for the better.

Many people find that breathing techniques and talking themselves through panic attacks is very helpful. I tried these methods and they did work some but not enough for me to rely upon them alone. Do not be afraid to try new things to see if they make the situation easier for you. Find out what your options are and explore them so that you can get the most from them. You want to do what will work for you as an individual in your quest for how to overcome panic attacks.